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Smart Traffic Circle

The future of driving is not about vehicles that are always ‘stopping & starting’ at every intersection, it’s about the flowing of traffic.

Traffic intersections today cost on an average of $150,000 to setup and they do not take smart vehicles into consideration.

The Smart Traffic Circle is the way to go to see traffic flow.

For a preview of the system

Why we need a Traffic circle system

We are entering a world of smarter vehicles and smarter roads. Each year 90 + million new vehicles hit the roads worldwide, and about 1.2 billion are now on the road.
With all these new and even smarter vehicles comes the need for more organized traffic flow. The intersection of the future needs to provide a free flow of vehicular traffic.

Our Solutions

Smart Traffic Circle – Intelligent Calculations

The system first senses the position and speed of vehicles and pedestrians approaching the traffic circle, or roundabout.
The system uses shared navigation directives to determine which traffic-circle exit a driver is being directed to. This information is then used to provide timely directives to those drivers to make safe lane-changes in advance of the selected exit.

Our Execution

The STC uses it’s AI to analyze the speed of the pedestrians approaching and sends out warnings and directives to both vehicles and pedestrians to avoid accidents.
The system uses this collected data to compute and convey directives to drivers and pedestrians to prevent collisions between proximate vehicles or between pedestrians and vehicles.
The pedestrian might be walking, jogging, walking a pet or riding on ‘something’.
Smart Traffic Circle makes driving through a traffic circle, or rotary, and traversing a road safer for both drivers and pedestrians.

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About us

Smart Traffic Circles is part of the IE portfolio. IE is an automotive Intelligent technology think tank continuing to grow a pipeline of B2B & B2C products and intellectual property. IE was founded with the vision to use autonomous technology to develop sophisticated software platforms for various applications of the company’s patents in the emerging ‘Intelligent’ auto industry. The basis of IE’s patented intelligent technology is the understanding that each vehicle requires its own level of AI intelligence. This intelligence works with other intelligent vehicles, infrastructure, and pedestrians. Each of the granted and pending patents are part of IE’s AI automotive rollout called ANTS, Autonomous Numerous Tactical Systems. ‘Expecting the unexpected.’

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