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Each year, during summer seasons especially, children and pets might be left in vehicles that rapidly heat up, tragically resulting, in many cases, in severe injury or death. Athena is a sophisticated, yet simple-to-use in-cabin sensing product designed to eliminate injury or death, resulting from children left in hot cars. Athena uses detection that is independent of line-of-sight and weight-sensing. The product is compatible with virtually every car on the road. Athena will work even after the trip has ended and even if the vehicle is accessed at any time. 

For an inside look of the Athena system being used in different sizes and types of vehicles, code name NCLB No Child Left Behind

No Child Left Behind first demo

Why we need an Athena

Hot car deaths receive exceptional amounts of news coverage each summer and multiple countries have proposed legislation to mandate technological solutions for prevention/intervention. Nevertheless, no successful solution has been offered that is user-friendly and effective.
The European Union’s Euro NCAP published its guidelines for the solution it will be requiring for all vehicles with children under the age of 4.
Check out these guidelines and how they mirror Athena’s power packed functions. Click Here

Our Solutions


Each year, during summer seasons especially, children and pets might be left in vehicles that rapidly heat up, tragically resulting, in many cases, in severe injury or death.

Our Execution

Athena senses the presence of all life forms in the vehicle including the driver and other occupants while the vehicle is in motion. Once the vehicle is parked, even if the engine is left on, the system will detect when the driver has exited, and a life form remains inside. (This includes an entry of a life form into the vehicle hours later) Operationally as soon as the driver exits, a detection cycle begins. if a life form is detected, a predetermined set of responses comprising of pulsed horn sounds, and lights are activated alerting the driver before he/she can step away from the vehicle.
To stop the alert, the driver must either remove the life form or press a standby switch. If the latter option is chosen, the driver has a predetermined, but short time period in which to return to the vehicle before the alarm recurs. Once the first level alert commences, a second predetermined time period is counted down and if the driver has not returned and the life form is still in the vehicle, the system performs two steps. First, it regulates the cabin temperature with the AC. Second, it calls 5 preset recipients notifying them of the incident and sends them an alert message that has a link to the vehicle cabin Alert Page. Finally if no one responds, a first-responder authority is given the vehicle’s identification information and GPS location.
Throughout the world laws are being passed mandating solutions to save the precious children and pets. Athena is the Unicorn in this market that has 5 patented features that makes Athena a One -of-a kind.
Check out the patent in more detail: (

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About us

Athena is one of the essential patented products in the IE portfolio. IE is an automotive Intelligent technology think tank continuing to grow a pipeline of B2B & B2C products and intellectual property. IE  was founded with the vision to use autonomous technology to develop sophisticated software platforms for various applications of the company’s patents in the emerging ‘Intelligent’ auto industry. The basis of IE’s patented intelligent technology is the understanding that each vehicle requires its own level of AI intelligence. This intelligence works with other intelligent vehicles, infrastructure, and pedestrians. Each of the granted and pending patents are part of IE’s AI automotive rollout called ANTS, Autonomous Numerous Tactical Systems. ‘Expecting the unexpected.

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