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Drivers View

DriversView is a novel system and method, that captures the view of a driver’s eyes, ascertains the driver’s attention level while concurrently capturing the vehicle’s relative position vis-à-vis vehicles ahead and additionally, the vehicles to the right and left sides.
DriversView is superior to vehicle side sensors that have a limited field of detection, in comparison to DriversView’s wide-angle visual capabilities. This adds an extra layer of collision avoidance.

Why we need a Drivers View system

DriversView, makes sure the driver is paying attention and is alert. DriversView has a view of cars surrounding the vehicle, in the front and on the right/left sides.
DriversView sounds an alarm when needed and can trigger an evasive action when connected to the vehicle’s ADAS. DriversView has one image of both the driver’s attention and the surrounding view of the road, if needed for an accident defense. This all-in-one image is substantial.

Our Solutions


DriversView does the job of 2 products in one. DriversView does not use the driver’s cell phone like Nexar.

Our Execution

The point of a dash cam is to protect the driver in the event of an accident, and it relies on the notion that the driver using one is not at fault. It can help prove that the driver was in the right. These aftermarket solutions require installation, calibration and they obstruct the driver’s field of vision.
However, these aftermarket products provide a narrow view of the road ahead. They additionally provide some redundant warnings, since vehicles are already equipped with ADAS a much more sophisticated warning system.
DriversView sounds an alarm when needed and can trigger an evasive action when connected to the vehicle’s ADAS.
DriversView has an extensive view of the road, including the front, right and left sides. DriversView has a considerable amount of new valuable collateral data.

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About us

DriversView is part of the IE portfolio. IE is an automotive Intelligent technology think tank continuing to grow a pipeline of B2B & B2C products and intellectual property. IE was founded with the vision to use autonomous technology to develop sophisticated software platforms for various applications of the company’s patents in the emerging ‘Intelligent’ auto industry. The basis of IE’s patented intelligent technology is the understanding that each vehicle requires its own level of AI intelligence. This intelligence works with other intelligent vehicles, infrastructure, and pedestrians. Each of the granted and pending patents are part of IE’s AI automotive rollout called ANTS, Autonomous Numerous Tactical Systems. ‘Expecting the unexpected.’

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