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Smart AI Responder

The AI Incident Management tool for First Responders

The system works as part of a city’s 911 emergency response system or can run as a fully integrated stand-alone solution.
Outside of the AI logistic dispatching, this system is about advising and directing vehicles and pedestrians out of the way of the First Responders.
Safe First Responder is about TIM Traffic Incident Management, managing the first response to an accident, incident or event.

For a preview of the system

Why we need an AI first responder system

“Each year, there are an estimated 46,000 crashes; 17,000 estimated people injured; and nearly 150 fatalities involving emergency response vehicles (ERVs), which include law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical services vehicles.“
Using the new 5.9ghz chips and net connections in vehicles, our goal is to get them to where they need to get to, in the safest and fastest way possible.

Our Solutions


The Smart First Responder makes the first-responder management of a reported accident / incident / event more efficient.
It calculates which type of first-responder is most qualified and closest for the given incident and gives that first-responder management functionality over the other selected responding vehicles. The accident report data is used to determine what types of first-response vehicles are required to join the response team, such as ambulance, type of fire truck, and so on.

Our Execution

The system then directs first-response vehicles to the accident location, assisting them by sending out Advanced Directional Guidance (ADG) to vehicles ahead to clear the way, advising them to move to the right or left, clearing a path ahead. In addition, the system sends ADG alerts to vehicles approaching intersections advising them that a first responder is about to cross the intersection and that they need to stop now!
Meanwhile, the system , using the incident data, formulates two concentric Geo-fence areas.
The larger area is used to identify when vehicles are heading toward the accident site. Smart First Respoder sends an Advanced Directional Guidance (ADG), to redirect vehicles’ Navigation routes.The smaller area is used to identify when pedestrians are heading toward the accident site. In either or both cases, drivers and/or pedestrians are given Advanced Directional Guidance (ADG) via mobile devices or vehicle communications to take a route which avoids the accidents site area.
When First Responders are ready to depart from the incident, the same redirection system as above is used to rush the possible victims to a Hospital and the emergency vehicles back to their base.

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About us

The Smart AI First Responder is part of the IE portfolio. IE is an automotive Intelligent technology think tank continuing to grow a pipeline of B2B & B2C products and intellectual property. IE was founded with the vision to use autonomous technology to develop sophisticated software platforms for various applications of the company’s patents in the emerging ‘Intelligent’ auto industry. The basis of IE’s patented intelligent technology is the understanding that each vehicle requires its own level of AI intelligence. This intelligence works with other intelligent vehicles, infrastructure, and pedestrians. Each of the granted and pending patents are part of IE’s AI automotive rollout called ANTS, Autonomous Numerous Tactical Systems. ‘Expecting the unexpected.’

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